The MacOdrum Library building is closed to students and faculty; however, our online resources and services are available to you and staff are committed to assisting students and faculty remotely.

The decision to close the library building was made in consideration of the health of students and staff and to do our part to slow the spread of Covid-19 in our community.  On Monday, the Ontario Public Health Minister recommended closing libraries across the province and on Tuesday, the Declaration of the State of Emergency took steps to limit gatherings of 50 people or more and the closing of public spaces.

Our actions are consistent with other academic libraries across Ontario, Canada, and the United States. 

1.    Use our online Ask Chat service for reference and research assistance. See: Ask Chat service hours
2.    Strategies for instructors:
·         Help your students research their papers with a tailored course guidesubject guide, or contact a research support specialist.
·         Give your students access to library research consultations online. Librarians teaching in courses may be able to participate in class discussion boards, host online drop-in sessions, or develop additional instruction videos to support learning. Contact a research support specialist.
·         If you need course readings, e-books or other digital materials for your students, let us know. We can help with purchasing and negotiating permissions with publishers. Contact: Course Reserves
·         A number of online video resources are available for educational use and as licensed streaming content. Search Omni for videos already in our collection, or we can purchase them for you through platforms like Kanopy, if available. Contact: Course Reserves

3.    If you have a teaching, learning, or research need that is not addressed with one of the options above, please contact us at Ask the Library.

4.    Click here for further information. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns. 


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