Going online: Library support available through cuLearn

Here are some ways you can incorporate library-based research support in cuLearn as you teach the next three weeks online:

1. Create a block and link to our Ask a Librarian virtual reference desk/chat service. Here's the link that you embed: https://library.carleton.ca/help.

Encourage your students to use this service as it is available seven (7) days a week.

2. Create a block that links to the subject guides (quick and detailed) for your discipline.

3. I can meet with students individually via Big Blue Button. Here's an announcement you can send:

Good morning (afternoon),
If you need research assistance during the last three weeks of term, please contact Interdisciplinary Studies Librarian Martha Attridge Bufton by email to book an online or telephone consultation. Martha's email is martha.attridgebufton@carleton.ca

4. Here is a link to a research skills playlist that I have created: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRsqUluIyatKIqtQgjxEGa-QyYKwPdmVt I have created a number of instructional videos to help students do library-based research and these can be shared via cuLearn.

Please reach out if you have any questions as to how I can support your online classroom. I am also able to help you link to library resources in cuLearn.


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