Indigenous languages: New library display

Language is vital to cultural and ethnic diversity. While many languages are thriving—peoples are actively speaking, writing, reading, teaching and learning their languages—many others are endangered. The endangered include numerous Indigenous languages, including many spoken by First Nations, Métis and Inuit communities.

UNESCO has declared 2019 to be the International Year of Indigenous Languages to honour and celebrate the languages of peoples around the globe. But not just celebrating. More importantly, this has been a year to raise awareness of the threats to Indigenous languages and the need to promote, revitalize and preserve these important forms of expression and communication.

In the spirit of this call to action, the Carleton University Library is committed to collecting materials that promote, revitalize and preserve First Nations, Métis and Inuit languages. These materials include print materials such as dictionaries and theses as well as maps, films, audio recordings and video games.

Come and visit the display of some of these materials, located on the bulletin board located on the second/main floor of the library, past the elevators and to the left. Materials include:

  • Further developments in the theory and practice of cybercartography. D. R. Fraser Taylor, Erik Anonby and Kumiko Murasugi (Eds.)
  • Never alone (Kisima Ingitchuna), an Inupiat video game
  • Isumaksaqsiurutigijakka: Conversations with Aupilaarjuk towards a theory of Inuktitut knowledge renewal. A dissertation by McGrath, Janet Tamalik
  • Great Cree storytellers/Les Cri racontent (compact disc series)
  • Seliš nyo̳?nuntn: Medicine for the Salish language: English to Salish translation dictionary. P. Tachini.

For further information, please contact Martha Attridge Bufton, Interdisciplinary Studies Librarian, at the Carleton University Library (


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