New Library Services: Changes in November

The library is in the process of implementing a new library services platform that will provide new library search tools. While we are making every effort to not disrupt any current library services, there are a few areas where temporary changes to services are necessary.
These changes will begin to take place in November.
Holds/requests (Nov. 1 to Dec. 15)
  • From November 1 to December 15, 2019, you will not be able to place a hold or recall books that are on loan to other patrons.
  • However, any holds placed before that time will remain in effect and will be delivered in the regular time frame.
  • If the book you need is out on loan, we recommend requesting a copy through interlibrary loan.

Requesting items from storage (Dec. 1 to 15) 
  • From December 1 to December 15, 2019, you will not be able to request items from storage.

Ordering of books and other materials (Nov. 1 to Jan. 2020) 
  • Regular ordering of books and other materials will stop  November 1, 2019 and will resume in January 2020.
  • Order of materials for course reserves will continue without interruption.
  • If there is a book you are interested in that is not in our collection, we recommend using interlibrary loan to get a copy.

Fine payments (Dec. 1 to 15)
  • From December 1 to December 15, 2019, we will not be able to accept payment of library fines.

Electronic resources in the Library catalogue (ongoing)
  • As part of the preparation to migrate to the new library services platform, we are gradually removing ebooks, ejournals, and other electronic resources from the Library catalogue and making them available through Summon (i.e., the search on the Library web site).
  • If you want your searches to reliably include all the e-resources that we have, we recommend using Summon and not the Library catalogue.

If you have any questions, please contact Edward Bilodeau (Head, Library Technology Services) at


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