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We are moving ahead with the implementation of our new search system. Here are answers to some questions you might have as the system as you start planning for the Fall 2019 academic term.

When does the new system go live?

  • December 10, 2019. The date is fixed because we are collaborating with 13 other Ontario universities.
Can I still link to materials via Summon and the catalogue in my course syllabi?
  • Do not link to resources in Summon or the catalogue in course syllabi. Link to articles via a database. 
Can I link to Ares and databases in my syllabi?
  • Yes. There will be no change to course reserves (i.e., Ares) and database links.
Will the changes affect course reserves and interlibrary loan services?
  • Generally, course reserves and interlibrary loan services will not be affected.
Will the catalogue still be available?
  • Instead of having both Summon and the catalogue, the two tools will be integrated into the single new improved system.
When should I order course materials for the fall term?
  • Order books and other materials as early as possible (e.g., before November).
Why is the library switching to the new system?
  • The current library system is becoming a legacy system and will soon not work well.
  • The Collaborative Futures project will allow the library to:
    • improve management and preservation of library collections
    • improve discovery of and access to these collections
    • increased support for the educational and research needs of students and faculty at Ontario’s university libraries.
  • Eventually, Carleton University students and faculty will have a better user experience because:
    • the new system will improve access to collections and materials in the Carleton library
    • the common interface will improve the discovery of collections at all participating libraries.
Will there be guides or videos to help faculty and students learn the new system?
  • Yes, there will be instructional guides and videos available on the library website. Keep checking the website for those videos.
Does the existing system integrate with citation management tools (e.g., Mendeley, Zotero and EndNote)?
  • Yes it does.
Does this update have anything to do with the cuLearn update?
  • No it does not. These are two separate projects.
Who do I contact for further information?
  • Please don't hesitate to get in touch with me via email ( or by phone (ext. 2985).
  • Plus, the library website will be updated regularly as the launch date approaches.


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