Shadowpox: Free online game about viruses and social distancing
Shadowpox: #Stayathome is a free online game set in an immersive science fiction storyworld and informed by real-world public health challenges. Shadowpox : # StayHome Edition helps players visualize the impact of deciding to stay home during the COVID-19 pandemic, and the effect on their community if they do not. Read more . I am intrigued by this game ... it could be a very meaningful addition to any course that speaks to public health issues, social interactions, and/or free will. I can see it being integrated into a course (either a fully online course or eventually a blended learning course) and used as a starting point for discussion and reflection. I have created a link to the game on the Games: Studies and Development detailed subject guide (under the Find games section). Try it and let me know what you think: